Thursday, August 30, 2012

Comparing Atom Sizes-- Lab Report

1. As you go down a column, family, or group in the periodic table, atoms increase in size. This is because the additional electrons and elements with higher atomic numbers are filling orbitals that have a larger radius. The size of atoms is determine by the size of the electron distribution of the valance orbitals.


This is the data table for the sizes of radius's for different elements.


Analyze and Conclude

1. Yes my procedures were correct.                          

3. The points connected into a semi straight line. The graph is showing that the radius will increase gradually.
4. I think the largest atom would be number 114 on the periodic table because the elements increase gradually and it is the last element, and therefor it would be the biggest.


  1. Sweet Christ thank you! You have saved my 8th grade science career! Thanks a million, My science teacher wont hate me because of you, I will of course cite you, somewhat secretly (im not allowed to use this)
