Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Current Event Week 4

Covalent Bonds vs Ionic Bonds

 A model of the double and single covalent bonds of carbon within a benzene ring.    Sodium and chlorine bonding ionically to form sodium chloride.
There are two atomic bonds- ionic bonds and covalent bonds. They are different in two ways- their structure and their chemical properties. Covalent bonds are made up of two pairs of electrons shared by two atoms. The formation of the covalent bonds of electrons all depends on their electro negativity. (The power of the atom inside a molecule that attracts electrons) A covalent bond is made when two atoms are able to share their electrons, while the ionic bond is formed when the sharing is so unequal that the electrons that are exchanged between the two elements are completely lost, which then becomes a pair of ions. Each atom is made up of protons, neutrons and electrons. At the very center of an atom, which is its nucleolus protons and neutrons are bonded together. The electrons are not in the center but they border around it. Each of the orbits can have a certain number of electrons to be stable. One type of chemical bonding in covalent bonding. That is where two non metallic atoms which are characterized by sharing one pair or more of electrons between atoms and other covalent bonds. The other type of chemical bonds is ionic bonds. They are formed when the electric attractions between appositively charged ions inside a chemical compound. Those kind of bonds occur mainly between metallic and non metallic atoms. There are many differences between ionic and covalent bonds. Here are some of the main ones.

  1.        Covalent bonds have a definite shape and low melting/boiling points.—Ionic bonds normally form crystalline atoms and have high melting/boiling points.
  2.       Ionic bonds conduct electricity and heat which the covalent bonds can be broken down into their primary structure. 
  3.       If you want to break ionic bonds it uses a lot of energy. A lot more than it takes to break covalent bonds.

Those are the main differences between the two bonds.


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